“Stop acting so small. You are the universe in ecstatic motion.”
― Rumi
Without consciousness you have no choice, no freedom and so no power to create the life you want to live. You are merely run by your own unconscious thought programs; programs you created to keep yourself safe and secure in this forever changing world. Eventually these programs, limiting beliefs and habits, will get in the way of your growth, your expansion, and you will start to bump into them. Just like a growing goldfish bumping into the previously invisible glass walls of it's bowl.
Let me support you in becoming fully conscious of your limiting programs and behaviour so you can set yourself free and step into your true Power, into your True Self and experience Freedom, Joy and true Creation. No longer from fear or limitation, no longer from a place of reaction, manipulation or power-over but from an empowered state of radical responsibility and excited expansion, into the powerful conscious human & leader you are called to be. Are you ready to stop acting small and discover who you truly are?

Personal coaching
Step into your Power and transform your Life.
As your own Personal Coach, I will enable you to become more conscious & aware of your approach to your life. I will help you see how your current stories, perceptions and habits are closing down opportunities and limiting your success and happiness. Together we will expand your story and what is possible for you, helping you to open yourself up to new possibilities and then build sustainable new competencies, habits and states of being to achieve outcomes that deeply matter to you.
Together we will work towards you being able to:
Experience profound learning about yourself to set you free from (mostly unconscious) habitual patterns that are holding you back from reaching your full potential
Have greater competence, deeper meaning and more fulfilment in your life
Integrate long lasting change into all aspects of your life — personal, professional, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual
Continually improve on your own afterwards
Or in short, we will make sure that you are fully capable and willing to create the life of your dreams!

Talent development coaching
Unlock the hidden potential of your (future) leaders.
​Leaders who are in touch with who they really are, with their core essence, are more powerful. For example, studies have shown that those who are in touch with their intuition make better decisions.
Offer the leaders in your company the chance to explore themselves more deeply and connect to their innate power. Enable them to discover and develop skills and abilities that are often hidden behind the constraints of their personality, limiting beliefs and the stress of their daily lives.
One-to-one (online) coaching programs & on- or off-site workshops are tailor-made to suit your team and can contain all or some of the following:
- Enneagram personality tests & debriefing sessions
- Conscious Leadership group coaching sessions
- Conscious Leadership one-to-one coaching programs
- Conscious teamwork and team communication exercises
- Conscious breath techniques & meditation
- Conscious leadership embodiment
If this sounds interesting, I would love to hear from you!

Conscious Leadership coaching
Are you ready to make an even bigger, conscious impact? Ready to build your legacy?
You made it! You successfully worked your way to the top, you are the CEO, MD (or other fancy title for THE BOSS) and find yourself in a position of leadership and power.
Well done, I know you must have worked hard and smart to get here! Question is now: what is next? How can you become the inspirational & influential Leader you know you are meant to be? Leader in the true sense of the word, not because it is your job title but because you are the embodiment of true Leadership, inspiring others and having a BIG meaningful and positive impact on the world around you.
As YOU KNOW, this didn't just happen by chance, you are here at the top for a reason, because you have an even bigger role to play, a purpose to fulfill and a legacy to leave behind. Do you want to find out what it is and how to express this new, more expanded way of Leadership into the corporate world and your life?
Contact me to set up an exploratory chat about a Conscious Leadership coaching journey.

MSc. in Economics,
Certified Professional Integral Coach ® (PCC)
Coach profile -San Silbernagl
I am a passionate and experienced Certified Professional Integral Coach. As a life-long student of learning and development, both personally and professionally, I bring a wide diversity of business knowledge and psychological understanding to my worldwide coaching practice with individuals and across organisations.
Recognized for my skilful insights and intuition, I have lead hundreds of clients to personal and professional growth in a practical and holistic way that is customised to each person’s unique situation.
Having completed all the ICF accredited postgraduate programs run through the University of Cape Town’s Centre for Coaching and New Ventures West (USA) , I am an Associate of the Centre for Coaching at the University of Cape Town. When time allows, I sit on the faculty and examination board as a Coach Mentor for the Associate Coaching Course and co-facilitate the coaching modules for the Graduate School of Business MBA students.
I hold a Master’s Degree in Economics from the University of Amsterdam and have worked internationally as a Brand and Marketing Manager for various companies. I am also a certified Reiki Master, a Circle Coach® and EFT practitioner.​
'San's in-depth understanding of psychology, business and leadership, together with her intuitive, positive approach and well-rounded skill set, position her to deliver significant value as your personal & executive coach."

Bridget H.
Medical Professor
“San's coaching has made a huge impact on my life in a short period of time. The coaching has given me self-confidence, resilience and a leadership ease with people that I had scarcely believed was possible. Furthermore, the new approaches I have learned have “stuck” and have become an integral part of my daily life. I am full of gratitude for San’s expert eye and her gentle guidance."
Gloria R.
"Dear San, Thank you for the change in my life you facilitated so masterfully. You helped me to get to know and love my true self and to lift the burden of false beliefs that had been preventing me from fulfilling my potential. You did it so professionally but also with great understanding and compassion. I know how much you love helping people to find themselves and wish you many more coaching success experiences. love, Gloria"
Anya L.
Experience curator
“I don’t think many of us are brave or fortunate enough to find and follow our calling in life. I’m also convinced that if we do, we end up being in flow and are truly able to shine. This is what Ive learnt from my sessions with San. But more importantly, she epitomises this for me in every way. She is so good at what she does because this is what she is meant to be doing. I’m grateful to her for the guidance she’s given me as it has lead to my growth in a million different ways. Thank you San".
Some of San's clients